Tiny Little Steps

Every day there are new people joining us on the spiritual life path.  These are wonderful new souls excited and full of wonder at the opportunities laid out along the path far beyond where they can see.  Most of these newcomers have a reason for joining the path.  Maybe some sadness, pain, or trauma.  Maybe they fell in love and want to join in the practices with their significant other.  Whatever the reason, all new people quickly reach a question…

What do I do?

It seems like such a simple question with what should be such a simple answer. 

However this is not the case for most newcomers.  Newcomers are bombarded with all this information about spirit guides, and the akashic records, and astral traveling, astrology, tarot, oracle, scrying…. It’s enough to make an expert’s head spin! 

So for the newcomer who is genuinely interested in the path and seeking a way to move forward, we offer this simple advice.

Take tiny little steps. 

You see, the spiritual path is lit up from the light within each of us.  You have that light in you right now!  The fact that you are here, the fact that you are starting on the journey, that is light! 

At first, our light is small.  Like a single candle, only the darkness just next to you is illuminated as you walk.  Take tiny little steps into the area you can see.  Maybe start the 10 second project and add the meditation practice to your day.  10 seconds is not a lot of time and is a small step inside the area you can see.  It is not this giant leap to leaving your body and learning the ultimate truth of the universe…. It is a small step you can take to grow that light within yourself and illuminate more of the path. 

Whichever step you decide to take, whether that be meditation, oracle cards, affirmations, tarot, or any other piece of the spiritual path, remember to take it slow at first.  There is a reason all spiritual masters are old people.  It takes much time, dedication, and consistency to grow our inner light to the size of a master.  Many new spiritual path walkers want to jump from day one to master overnight.  This is not possible.  Take tiny little steps and you will too be seen as a master on this path.  It is the childish youth who take leaps and bounds when moving forwards to try and see ahead and move faster.  The wise older generations pick their steps with care and stay sure footed knowing they will get to their destination.

10 Second Project

Have you ever wanted to meditate but were not sure how to get started?  Maybe you know how to meditate but sitting still and quiet for a long time is impossible?  For anyone who has been having trouble getting into the quiet meditations, this one’s for you!

The 10 second project is a year long process of going from not meditating to a full hour per day.

This process is simple!

Every day, you set a timer and sit down, close your eyes, and focus on your breath for the duration of the time. 

Day 1: 10 seconds.

Day 2: add 10 seconds to 20 seconds

Day 3: add 10 seconds to 30 seconds

And so on and so forth!

After doing this every day you will have meditated OVER AN HOUR at the end of the first month.

By the end of month 2, 10 minutes per day

By the end of month 6, 15 hours of meditation time under your belt.

And at the end of the first year, you will have completed over 92 HOURS of meditation!

Practice anything for 92 hours and then tell me you are no good at it lol!

If you have any questions, comments, or would like a community of support on your meditation journey, join us HERE.